Category: Featured

From fear to fortitude – a journey through life (and the forest) | Anna Ķirse
Everyone has something that they are afraid of. For Anna Ķirse, that something happened to be almost everything. But facing the realization that fear might prevent her from pursuing her dreams, Anna was able to turn fear into her ally,...

Bella | PRAGAII – performance
You know that feeling when it seems that everything is just a bit too much? This piece was created when PRAGAII were at a low place, and what helped them get out of that funk was – work. Day by...

Not just another number – maintaining humanity and identity in detention | Ilvija Pūce
What happens with a human in detention, removed of their freedom and former identity? How is it that people who were among ‘us’ suddenly become ‘them’, as if they are something alien? And how do these terms prevent us from...

An introvert’s guide to social freedom | Kaspars Breidaks
Being social for a shy person is difficult already, let alone in a cold, Northern capital city wrought by a past of social mistrust under communist rule. With all the cards stacked against him, Kaspars Breidaks managed to break through...

Musical reflections of the world | Reinis Jaunais
Travel and music are two powerful entities in our world. Guitarist Reinis Jaunais is deeply moved by both and expresses his reflections through his music. In this performance, he plays three pieces — one, inspired by the massive mountains of...

Building music. Cable by cable. | Ģirts Ozoliņš
Instruments can open a world of opportunity for creative expression. And when that instrument is a synthesizer, that opportunity becomes nearly limitless. What does it take to open the floodgates of creative exploration? In the mind of Girts Ozolins, it...

Professional photography — a career on track for extinction? | Gatis Rozenfelds
It seems that photographers are simply becoming glorified tripods. Or are they? As cameras become increasingly smart, it begs the question — what, then, is the use of the person standing behind it? Focus and exposure are already automated, and...

Democracy requires a space for conversation – here’s how to make one | Ieva Morica
In a conversation where the goal is to “win”, one emerges victorious, while the other – a loser. This game of right and wrong is a lose-lose situation, and has massive repercussions on the world we live in. Our ability...

Coding for kids as a means of creative expression | Elina Ingelande
Programming skills are in high demand, and a career in IT can take you far. However, coding can open the door for more than IT professionals. It can open the door of possibilities to explore all sorts of hobbies. With...

If you thought politics is a circus, think again | Māra Pāvula
Would you say that sometimes political processes can become…a circus? Consider this the next time you want to use this metaphor – in reality, the circus is a tight-knit community of hardworking individuals with a deep trust in one another....