Category: Business

The shadow economy: it’s not all black and white | Arnis Sauka
Arnis Sauka has spent years researching the shadow economy and determining its impact. Having developed a methodology, fostered relationships with both business leaders and government officials and measured the impact over time, Arnis may be the first to tell you...

Finding the balance between money and meaning | Jānis Kreilis
For many of us, finding the balance between doing something that provides meaning and something that pays the bills seems out of reach. Whether it’s expectations about what is an acceptable career path, the desire to strike it rich or...

Corporate slides have no place in a modern organization | Kristaps Pētersons
Corporate presentations and spam mail belong in the same category. There may not be an equal to this time-wasting task of creating meaningless corporate slides. Storytelling technologies and modern methods allow us to keep meeting times down to a minimum,...

How to fuel the economic engine of a brain drain-affected country | Christopher Leake
Frustration is high in communities where brain drain has lead to depopulation, an inability to support rural education institutions, and ultimately, to an efficiency gap when compared to urban schools. Without an easy solution in sight, politicians become the target...

Who paid for your news today? | Nellija Ločmele
Imagine losing half of your blood — could you survive? As the drain of advertising money threatens journalism worldwide, it becomes crucial for media users to seriously consider the saying “you get what you pay for”. The vanishing of free...

Dialogue as partnership
Lena addresses people within corporations, social entrepreneurs to open up for a dialogue. She insists that building cross-sector social innovation is the only way to build a strong world. What can we learn from the changing relationship between the big...

The art of chutzpah: what blocks us from creative thinking?
Chutzpah is defined as behavior, or a person attitude, that is rude or shocking but so confident that people may feel forced to admire it. At least this is how Oxford English Dictionary frames it. But chutzpah as many other...

Decisive details: can we predict others’ decisions?
Heidi’s mission is to combine the two distinct research areas – marketing and cognitive science – in the most practical way. At TNS, Heidi has conducted neuromarketing studies and consumer behavior experiments, as well as spoken at seminars and conferences...

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Baiba Rubesa's life long guiding star is putting Latvia and Latvians in a global context. She is an experienced and inspiring manager and communicator with a range of business experience from oil and gas, retail, automotive and telecommunications.

Architecting a Shoe
Latvian literary legend Rainis once wrote: “That will remain, what will change”, and Elīna Dobele is a living example how with persistence one can make a successful debut in a seemingly unfamiliar field. Elīna Dobele trained as an architect, but...