Category: Design

Not just another number – maintaining humanity and identity in detention | Ilvija Pūce
What happens with a human in detention, removed of their freedom and former identity? How is it that people who were among ‘us’ suddenly become ‘them’, as if they are something alien? And how do these terms prevent us from...

Reaching new heights – a man and his piano | Dāvids Kļaviņš
There is no sure way to success but creating the absolute best of something is not the worst place to start. This was Dāvids Kļaviņš epiphany after a random encounter with a stranger in a café, starting a long journey...

Professional photography — a career on track for extinction? | Gatis Rozenfelds
It seems that photographers are simply becoming glorified tripods. Or are they? As cameras become increasingly smart, it begs the question — what, then, is the use of the person standing behind it? Focus and exposure are already automated, and...

The microscopic order that defines our macroscopic world
The make-up of any object reveals only one part of its secret. The rest – depends on the arrangement at the macro, micro and nano level. Prof. Gross shows us how arrangement is essential for optimal performance – whether it’s...

Hello, please let me capture your personal space
What happens when a young and inexperienced documentarian sets out to portray the personal life of an eccentric individual? When does documenting become prying into one’s private life, and what are the ethical choices a filmmaker faces in such a...

Transcending instincts: crowdsourced data can fix your motivation
We often don’t have problems with defining our goals, but we have problems with getting there. Agnis shows us how socially influencing systems can help in transforming our lives. Improving our health and well-being, preferring eco-friendly choices will be so...

The art of chutzpah: what blocks us from creative thinking?
Chutzpah is defined as behavior, or a person attitude, that is rude or shocking but so confident that people may feel forced to admire it. At least this is how Oxford English Dictionary frames it. But chutzpah as many other...

Nature-inspired architecture
With the budget 10 times smaller than average — how do you make a country's World Expo pavilion rank amongst the Top 10? How do you make Shaolin monks fly? And how do you architect a sacred place for Latvians?...