Category: Talks

Surrendering Forbidden
Andris Ambainis: Quantum computing, the story of a wild idea
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga: The Latvian Identity
Gustavo: Who Is Coding Who?
Cats in Space: Toms Kokins

Cats in Space

A trained architect Toms Kokins has established himself as the defender of innovative ideas, with the goal to improve public space in order to raise the quality of life, because we build and develop cities for our long-term well-being. Toms,...

Architecting a Shoe: Elīna Dobele

Architecting a Shoe

Latvian literary legend Rainis once wrote: “That will remain, what will change”, and Elīna Dobele is a living example how with persistence one can make a successful debut in a seemingly unfamiliar field. Elīna Dobele trained as an architect, but...

Daniels Pavļuts: The Importance of Learning. Learning What Exactly?
Goran Gora: Challenge Accepted
(Un)screw the Machines: Voldemārs Dūdums at TEDxRiga