Uncopyright me - Uldis Zariņš

Uncopyright me

Did you know that everything you post is copyright-protected? But does copyright work for you? Does it make any sense? Find out more in Uldis Zarins’ TEDx talk. Uldis Zariņš is a librarian by education and profession, a musician at...

Iveta Vaivode

Photography and remembrance

Is there some connection between the place you are coming from and your personality? Can you discover something new about yourself knowing the place both of your parents are coming from? Iveta Vaivode tries to find the answers — via...

Elīna Dobele in Chinese

Subtitle and translate TEDxRiga talks!

Latvia’s first ever national TEDx event, TEDxRiga 2012 — was held 4 years ago. 3 events and 56 talks later the TED Open Translation Community is still bringing ideas into more than 120 languages. And that also includes TEDxRiga! For...

TEDxRiga Story Hunt

The Story Hunt 2015 is on!

You guessed it, we are taking it out to the streets again — to hunt for the amazing stories and ideas worth spreading! Do you have a story? Want the world to hear it? Now you have the opportunity! The goal...


TEDxYouth@Riga 2015

TEDxYouth@Riga is a TED-like experience, an event designed to inspire curiosity, ignite new ideas, and empower young leaders. EVENT LANGUAGE: LATVIAN ADMISSION: FREE LOCATION: Soros Auditorium, SSE Riga Program: Ernests Jenavs Ernests has spent several years in the UK, where...

Healthcare -- from pixels to picture: Leo Seļāvo

Healthcare — from pixels to picture

Do you know the whole picture of your health? Do you think you doctor does? Probably not. Leo Seļāvo looks into how technology could connect the dots and pixels of the information we have and contribute to digital healthcare, while...

Latvia — worthy of Lacplesis
Dabas koncertzāle
What giant robots teach us about life

What giant robots teach us about life

Toms Kreicbergs a.k.a. Tom Crosshill is a writer whose fiction has been nominated for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Nebula Awards and the Latvian Literature Award. Toms has won the Writers of the Future contest, and his...

Story Hunt

TEDxRiga Story Hunt 2014

The Story Hunt is on! We are back this year, with the competition to find a story that will be shared on the big stage of TEDxRiga 2014. You can take part by shooting a short video and telling your...