Music band Āres is a project by two ex-classmates – Andrejs Irbēns and Jānis Zvīnis. They come from Salacgrīva and their inspiration in music comes from the beautiful nature around their hometown. Āres play together since 2014 and they are...

Climbing my mountain of fear
Sharing her music has always been a constant struggle between Alise’s inner urge to tell her story and the fear of failure. In her talk she tells about this struggle and how she embraced it as an important part of...

Teaching science: we’re doing it wrong
The world needs scientists and engineers more than ever, but our approach to raising them is backwards and ineffective. Drawing on his research and experience, high school physics teacher Danny Doucette challenges us to reimagine school science. As a physics...

The biomolecular tales of our ancestors
The world of microbes is ever-present but we usually only acknowledge it whenever we wash our hands. In truth, the smallest life form tells a lot about human development through history and we shouldn’t overlook its importance. Alisa tells her...

The art of chutzpah: what blocks us from creative thinking?
Chutzpah is defined as behavior, or a person attitude, that is rude or shocking but so confident that people may feel forced to admire it. At least this is how Oxford English Dictionary frames it. But chutzpah as many other...

Desire to move
People meet with the same goal: full of energy, light and desire to move. Dance helps them connect and make them dare, by challenging and supporting each other, they take the risk of living life and letting the miracles happen....

The Challenge of Visualizing the Artificial Intelligence
In his work with IBM Watson system, Mauro Martino is exploring the brand new landscape made accessible by the enormous amount of data and tools that are capable of analyzing it. This terra incognita is full with unexpected discoveries and...