Is there some connection between the place you are coming from and your personality? Can you discover something new about yourself knowing the place both of your parents are coming from? Iveta Vaivode tries to find the answers — via photography.

Iveta Vaivode is Latvian artist and curator. She is a program coordinator at ISSP school where she also teaches. Born in Riga in 1979, Iveta Vaivode graduated from Bournemouth Art Institute (UK) in 2008 and currently continues her studies with Master in Photography at Aalto University of Art and Design in Helsinki.

Her last work “Somewhere on a disappearing path” has been selected amongst the recipients of CO Berlin Talents award 2013, Burn Magazine grant and CSD Documentary Essay Prize in Photography. Since 2008 she is a member of non profit organization ISSP ( International Summer School of Photography ) and her works has been exhibited worldwide.

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