Living in the comforts of modern civilization, most of us are far removed from the natural world and take for granted its existence. But biologist Indriķis Krams, who spends most of his time studying birds in old growth forests, has forged a deeper understanding of and connection to nature. The importance of the biological ecosystems around us are often hard to realise until they are gone, and there are far reaching implications for the loss of biodiversity. And just like humans have influenced the natural world and the creatures inhabiting tit for millennia, Indriķis argues that it’s time for people themselves to change and develop compassion for the natural environment around them in order to save it from being destroyed.
Indriķis Krams is a biologist, professor at the University of Tartu, researcher at Daugavpils University and associate professor at the University of Latvia. He deals with the evolution of cooperation, molecular ecology, behavioral ecology, evolutionary medical science, biological conservation and physiology of birds, insects and humans. He was a grant recipient of the Fulbright Program from the US Department of State and has carried out research at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Harvard University. Throughout his career, Indriķis has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles.