In the spirit of Latvian centennial happenings, Dins ran along the border of Latvia, his home country, to get to know it better. Despite all odds, he ran around the entire perimeter of Latvia, 1740 km, in 21.5 days. His remarkable achievement is intended to relay a powerful message to all the people — even a simple idea may lead to a great challenge to test one’s own limits, fulfill ambitions, and make an impact.
Dins Vecāns is an architect from Latvia whose passion, already for a while now, is running – long distance running. Ultramarathon distance running one could say. Thus, many know Dins as a long‑distance running addict. And yet, it’s not just about running. Once he attempted to and successfully ran 28 marathons in 28 consecutive days in 28 different Europe’s capital cities. The “28-28-28” marathon all across Europe was aimed to draw attention and support to a charity movement for pediatric cancer patients. Another dream of his is to run 7 marathons on 7 continents. He has already run 6 of them