All posts by TEDxRiga

Arturs Miksons Psychotherapist

Don’t neglect your emotions. Express them — constructively! | Artūrs Miksons

As we grow through life, we’re taught what’s “ok” and what isn’t, when it comes to demonstrating emotions. We learn to push them away, reject, or suppress what has been deemed socially unacceptable. But when it comes down to it,...

42 marathons in 21 days: what I learned from running around my country Dins Vecāns

42 marathons in 21 days: what I learned from running around my country | Dins Vecāns

In the spirit of Latvian centennial happenings, Dins ran along the border of Latvia, his home country, to get to know it better. Despite all odds, he ran around the entire perimeter of Latvia, 1740 km, in 21.5 days. His...

Who paid for your news today? | Nellija Ločmele

Who paid for your news today? | Nellija Ločmele

Imagine losing half of your blood — could you survive? As the drain of advertising money threatens journalism worldwide, it becomes crucial for media users to seriously consider the saying “you get what you pay for”. The vanishing of free...

Technology's impact on our mind - and why we should care | Jānis Sārts

Technology’s impact on our mind – and why we should care | Janis Sarts

In a life of heightened information access and lowered attention spans, we find ourselves reading more headlines, but processing fewer facts. The result — an epidemic of anxiety. How are cognitive biases affecting our perception of reality? And are we...

TEDxRiga 2018

TEDxRiga 2018

Light is everywhere. It’s in bright talent and brilliant ideas, shining minds and sparkling eyes. It’s time to see it and save it, be it and share it. After all — what better time is there to look at everything...

Social anthropology turns practical — lessons from cooking with refugees | Ieva Raubiško

Social anthropology turns practical — lessons from cooking with refugees | Ieva Raubiško

What does it mean for strangers to meet, recognize their differences, and work together? Is it possible all? When the European migration crisis brought a small wave of refugees to Latvia, Ieva Raubiško switched from her academic work as a...


The battle for hearts and minds: studying Russia’s influence in Latvia | Martins Hirss

Is Russia winning the so-called information war? Russia’s state-owned media produces high-quality propaganda. Russia invests money in pro-Russia organizations and radicals abroad. But is it working? Are people influenced by Russia’s propaganda? Is Latgale the next Crimea? In fact, the...


What I did not tell about Chechnya | Olga Dragileva

A journalist’s duty is to act as our eyes and ears out in the field, to convey to us the information they collected without distortion. But what if this puts the subjects of the report in danger? How can one...


How to overcome fear? Tips from the world’s first drone jumper | Ingus Augstkalns

In his talk, Ingus Augstkalns speaks about his journey into BASE jumping, his method of overcoming fear, and his drone jump project that put him into the world’s spotlight as the first human to perform a parachute jump from a...


Public speaking needs more introverts, and vice versa | Davis Golds

It is often said that public speaking — the ability to communicate ideas clearly for a larger audience — is a skill for extroverts. However, introverts will often have ideas and visions that they need to share with the world...