In his work with IBM Watson system, Mauro Martino is exploring the brand new landscape made accessible by the enormous amount of data and tools that are capable of analyzing it. This terra incognita is full with unexpected discoveries and new kind of challenges, especially how to establish an effective interface between the human users and the machine.

Mauro leads IBM’s Cognitive Visualization Lab. He is a distinguished Italian artist, designer, inventor, and educator who investigates the impact of artificial intelligence on design. His projects have been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, TEDxCambridge Thrive, and Art Galleries including The Serpentine Gallery (London), GAFTA (San Francisco). His work has been featured on the cover of Nature and PNAS, as well as Nature Communication, Nature Physics, Popular Science, The Economist, The Financial Times, WIRED Magazine, The Guardian, BBC News, MIT News, and Harvard News.

He is Research associate at Harvard University. Explore more about Mr. Martino on his website.

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