Protein and its amino acids are a vital source to our human existence. But our reliance on animal proteins has strained their earth. In short – it isn’t sustainable in the long run. But how far are you willing to go to help the earth? The answer has always been right in front of us – insect protein. With all essential amino acids, fibre, and lack of toxins, worms in particular are a favourite. Though not a common culinary choice, would you be willing to change your attitude to save the earth?
Ilga Gedrovica is someone who cares about what we eat. After getting her PhD in Food Quality and Technology, Ilga started working closely with entrepreneurs and many new innovative foods products have been created together – cereals, fruit, berry and vegetable snacks, crispbread, bread pastilles, etc. As the result of her work, she was awarded the Latvian Academy of Sciences Award for “The Most Significant Achievement of Latvian Science in Practical Applications in 2015”.
As an associate professor and leading researcher of the Faculty of Food Technologies of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Ilga analyses the characteristics of many different food sources, traditional and exotic. Her recent work may make some squirm – Ilga is exploring how various insects and larvae may be used to meet our dietary needs in the future. By examining the characteristics of similar products on the global market, she is discovering what Latvia could bring to the table in the future.