Travel and music are two powerful entities in our world. Guitarist Reinis Jaunais is deeply moved by both and expresses his reflections through his music. In this performance, he plays three pieces — one, inspired by the massive mountains of Central Asia, the second about the culture and people he met in Syria, and lastly, about beautiful Australian summers.
Reinis Jaunais is an extraordinary guitar player, traveler, and free spirit. He is a traveling musician from Latvia, Riga who has been playing his music all around Europe for many years, composing and sharing his original songs with everyone and everywhere, from by-passers on the streets to interested listeners at music concerts. So far he has given concerts in most countries of Europe, as well as in New Zealand, Australia, and Turkey. Reinis has released six solo albums — Plika ģitāra (2013), Draugu orķestris (2015), Gaišs (2016), Tumšs (2017), Music and Travel Stories (2018), Pretpolu vienādības (2019).