Tag: biology

See the forest for the trees (and birds) | Indriķis Krams
Living in the comforts of modern civilization, most of us are far removed from the natural world and take for granted its existence. But biologist Indriķis Krams, who spends most of his time studying birds in old growth forests, has...

Stop. Take a breath. | Aija Paegle
Doesn’t that feel better? Physical therapist and former dancer Aija Paegle takes us through the physical and mental impact of the humble breath. How it can unobtrusively carry you through your day, or do the heavy lifting when going through...

Decrypting the Puzzle of Spider Silk
Don’t judge the book from the cover, so the saying goes. That’s definitely the case with spiders, whose webs are made of spider silk, a material with amazing mechanical properties. So common in nature, and, as it turns out, so...